Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Creating Mobile-Friendly Content to Capitalize on Smartphone Consumer Trends

We go to bed and we set our smartphone beside ourselves. We go to work, we take our phone. We leave the house to go pick up some groceries on the weekend or to run some errands and we take our cell phone. It’s with us wherever we go, acting as our watch, our alarm clock, our notebook, and smartphones continue to be a major social tool allowing us to stay in touch with friends at the press of a thumb.

From a marketer’s perspective, smartphones are a goldmine. Here’s why. Over half of all website traffic globally comes from mobile devices, surpassing desktop usage. Digital marketing success involves going where your audience is. If they’re on mobile, the focus needs to be on creating mobile content to reach said audience. Here are a few simple ways to take your website or marketing materials and to flip them to become more mobile-friendly.
Text that can actually be read on mobile devices.
Optimize your text. On desktops, it’s common to follow an F-shape in web page design where your written content is set up in an ‘F’ across the screen. On a mobile device, 68 percent of smartphone users look to the center and top half of a mobile page while 86 percent look across the upper two-thirds. This is where your text should sit.
You also want a headline that doesn’t take up the whole of the screen, have a summary at the start, and use images, sub-headers, white space, and simple words. Unlike a desktop user, you don’t know where a person will be when they are reading your page. It could be on a bus, at work, in the washroom, or at the kitchen table. They may only have a few seconds to glance. That’s why your text needs to instantly capture attention.
Images and videos make content more readable and eye-catching.
Use a diverse collection of images. Think screenshots, graphics, infographics, memes, and anything else which can provide a visual punch. Just make sure the images are embedded mobile-responsive so that they adapt to screen size.
Psychologically, we know a user’s eye is more likely to look at an image than text on the same page. If you want to maximize your results in mobile-responsive smartphone marketing, use compression on your images or tools to create pre-optimized images which will ensure your loading times don’t increase.
You can’t do it without a mobile-responsive design.
Look at your pages on a smartphone. Do they look attractive to you? Is the most important information readily visible when you open a page? Is the design responsive in the correct way? There’s a lot of work to do on the back-end in terms of preparing a web page for an optimum presentation.
If you aren’t already working with an experienced web designer, consider partnering with one who knows specifically how to help with attractive mobile-responsive design. If you don’t know where to start when it comes to what a web page should look like on a smartphone, visit your favourite websites and see what the structure of their site looks like. Note what information or images pop up first as the page loads.
Smartphone users are out there by the millions, ready to be captured as leads. Do the work and win big sales. Partner with Unlimited Exposure today to begin on your journey towards mobile-responsive web design and digital marketing.

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