Monday, 15 July 2019

Content Curation on Social Media Will Make Your Customers Love You More!

About 65 percent of the world’s most successful social media marketers are using a mix of approximately 65 percent of self-created content and about 25 percent curated content. Curation has become more important for brands looking to succeed online. Thankfully, it’s inexpensive to do and can build significant value if you do it well.

Looking on social media, you’ll find a lot of people sharing content that isn’t self-created. Much of social media is exactly this. From a business perspective, it might seem dishonest to take someone else’s content and posting it to generate your own awareness. Curation isn’t about passing off someone else’s work as your own though. It’s about sharing something that is passionate, relevant, and meaningful to you and your audience. All you need to do is find it, aggregate it, and post it.
The most difficult part of social media content curation is actually choosing the right content to share. There are a lot of ways to get it wrong. If you’re not following your brand’s personality, relationships, culture, and values, that’s a recipe for a waste of time when it comes to content curation.
Let’s say you have found the perfect piece of content ready to be curated by your brand in a post. The next step is to create a headline that differentiates your article from the one you’re curating. Then, add an image to avoid copyright issues and to add some originality to what’s being posted. Include a link in the body text to the original article, mentioning the author and citing it. Take an interesting, useful, and engaging quote from the original article. Lastly, input a call-to-action at the bottom of your curated post to provide readers a next place to go or an additional resource to expand their knowledge with. It’s that easy. Here are 4 reasons why you may want to consider content curation.
 You’re positing yourself as an industry expert and thought leader, with an authoritative voice.
 Content curation makes a brand appear less promotional and more like they are participating in a community.
 You’re giving your audience something of value, which they’ll appreciate if it informs or entertains them.
 You’re generating goodwill among your audience.
In social media marketing on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other platforms, you’ll notice roughly five curation strategies. ‘Aggregation’ involves taking the most relevant content from a single location, re-incorporating it into a new article. ‘Distillation’ takes a topic and reduces it to its’ core concept, as almost a sort of simplification. ‘Elevation’ involves taking a large amount of daily content and tracing a theme, insight, or trend from them. ‘Mashups’ involve taking an original point of view by merging different topics. Lastly, ‘Chronology’ is a timeline of curated information, bringing multiple sources into one.
How you find the best content to share on social media is to identify the most compelling, timely content. Search top blogs, websites in your industry, social media influencers, and trendy individuals. Try to monitor relevant sites and see if there’s anything you can re-use in your social media. Just remember, when using content curation in digital marketing, add something unique and of value to what you’re about to post and credit your sources. Leveraging social media marketing tools, there’s a lot you can do with content curation. Your customers will like you all the more for using these strategies.

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