Sunday, 29 March 2020

This Article Will Help You Increase Sales With The Best SEO Strategies 2020

When you sell, you survive. Sales are how business gets by. Next year, eCommerce sales will increase to $4.88 trillion globally. A large reason why is SEO.
Search engine optimization is about getting visibility in the cutthroat world of the internet. Competition is always learning. New digital marketing trends are on the upswing. SEO has not gone away.
SEO gets you noticed. It helps you convert prospects into customers. It gives a business momentum. SEO = sales.
SEO best practices have changed a lot over time. If you don’t know what works for SEO in 2020, don’t worry. We’ve got it covered. Here are the best SEO strategies to maximize sales and increase revenues.

The #1 determinant of a successful SEO strategy is quality of content
More than anything, have great content. If sales are driven by value, content is where you contribute most.
A prospect searches the internet for a product or service. They eventually locate different social media profiles, articles, and websites. A prospect is looking for answers to their questions. Developing content that answers questions, that’s smart.
If a prospect lands on your website and you have the best, most relevant, and most engaging content with your blog or website, there’s no reason to visit anywhere else. They stick with you. They build a relationship with you. Before long, you’ve got them. Here are some content forms to consider for your SEO:

 Blogs and articles.
 Infographics.
 Videos.
 Podcasts.
 Animations.
 eBooks.
 How-to guides, education, and general information.
 Product reviews.
 User-generated content.
Content is a vehicle. It is free information and value a customer doesn’t have to pay for. Conversion-driven, shareable content is what to aim for.
Choose your SEO keywords right and use them frequently
Keywords don’t have the pull they once did. They are still crucial though to an SEO strategy prioritizing maximum sales. It’s ultimately up to you to find what keywords are best. Once you have your keywords, use them:

 Content blogs and articles.
 Website page titles.
 Website pages – service pages, product descriptions, etc.
 URLs.
 Headings.
 Image descriptions.
 Video descriptions.
 Metadata.
 Emails.
Look at short-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords. Local SEO keywords that include city, region, province, or country. Over 50% of all search queries are four or more words. There’s less competition for these phrases and they carry higher conversion rates.
Is your on-page SEO the best it can be?
On-page SEO strategy accomplishes a number of objectives. It prioritizes a user-friendly site. Search engines more easily index your pages. Your search engine ranking is likely to increase. Essential user-friendly elements like visuals are also maximized to include an SEO approach.
What’s the best way to approach on-page SEO – well, it depends on the design opportunities available to you. There are some critical areas though to get right. Here’s a basic 7-point guide for best on-page SEO.
1. Create title tags that are original, descriptive, and which include SEO keywords.
2. Do everything you can to increase page load speed. This is a major SEO ranking factor. Faster page load times also mean reduced bounce rates.
3. Alt-text for images should be filled in with keyword-optimized text. Make it direct yet descriptive. Search engines will use what you write to interpret what’s in the image, classifying it accordingly.
4. Every heading should be optimized with keywords and a relevant description.
5. Link site content with internal links. This is to create a web of relevant, engaging pages. From a user perspective, it also improves navigation. To search engines, this helps with indexing.
6. URLs should make sense, be direct, have keywords in them, and be easy enough to read and type.
7. The meta description should be written to include keywords and direct, detailed information.
Can I use social media marketing to grow my SEO reach?
SEO is about search engines. This doesn’t just mean Google. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have search engines as well. They work from the same principles of keywords, high-quality content, and value.
When we want to find interesting content, over 79 percent of us turn to Facebook. Reach audiences where they are. SEO and social media marketing have synergy. They work in combination, supporting one another.
Sales should happen naturally. If you give a customer the information they’re looking for and access to purchasing the product or service they want, you don’t have to push hard. SEO and social media work from this perspective. Sales pitches are spam. Information is most valuable. Human, authentic interactions matter most.
Does my online reputation affect my SEO or online sales?
Reputation matters. Online reputation management is to control what others see on search engines when they search for your business. It’s an underrated yet key SEO strategy.
Let’s say, you’re a restaurant. Someone puts you in Google. The first things that come up are hundreds of Yelp reviews complaining about the food, service, and price. If you’ve recently engaged in a public argument with a customer on Facebook or Twitter, that might come up as well. New prospects are seeing this. Do you think anything else you do with your SEO is relevant with your reputation being what it is – absolutely not.
Monitor your brand online. If complaints are showing up, you will want to resolve them quickly. Here are a few things to remember when managing your online reputation.

 Always be professional in every public post or customer interaction.
 Set in your schedule a time to regularly review online reviews.
 When negative reviews happen – and they will – respond calmly, quickly, and professionally.
 Encourage people to write positive reviews with every purchase.
Is local SEO the right strategy for my business?
Local doesn’t have to mean ‘city’. It could mean province or state, region, or even country. Geography is ultimately what we mean by ‘local’ in terms of how it applies to SEO.
Over 30 percent of all searches have local intent. This means someone searching for ‘digital marketing’ is using ‘digital marketing + city’ as their keyword. Deciding on keywords, using city name and region help you be found. Unless you’re operating globally, local SEO is the right strategy for every business.
What’s the best SEO smartphone strategy to reach customers on their mobiles?
Laptops and desktops are out. SEO algorithms don’t focus on them anymore. Why should you? The most sales online happen across smartphones and mobile devices – eCommerce or otherwise. That’s where to look at for maximizing revenues.
On smartphones, think of user behaviour. They open emails, browse social media, and use a variety of search engines from Maps to news apps and more. Tap into this. Get your business registered on every search engine. Use the power of SEO to give you visibility across mobile platforms.
You may want to consider starting an email campaign, an SMS marketing campaign, or using social media marketing to target smartphone users. Your SEO footprint has got to extend to smartphones and other mobile devices. Mobile-friendly strategies work.
Some quick facts about SEO marketing and sales

 93 percent of online experiences begin with a search engine.
 81 percent of people use some form of online search before making a larger purchase.
 Leads from search engines have a conversion rate of 14.6 percent, compared to outbound marketing with only a 1.7 percent rate.
 78 percent of location-based mobile searches result in a purchase offline.
 18 percent of location-based mobile searches result in a sale within 24 hours.
Make a splash. Pursue strong SEO strategies. See your sales climb. Cut through the scarcity of placements on search engines. Get on the first page, up to the first result. Do it today with Unlimited Exposure.

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