Tuesday, 15 October 2019

WhatsApp is a Growing Social Platform, What is its Digital Marketing Potential

WhatsApp is the world’s #1 messaging application, exceeding the popularity of iMessage, Facebook Messenger, and other competing software. The app shows no signs of giving up dominance in this market which has led the digital marketing world to take notice. What if a company could take this platform and spin it into something that could generate clicks?

A little history about WhatsApp
WhatsApp was founded in 2009 as a means of sending text messages, photos, and voice messages through the Internet by encrypted means. In 2014, WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook for an estimated $19.3 billion which at the time made it the most popular messenger app of all-time. In countries like Brazil, India, Pakistan, the UK, and France, it continues to be a preferred method of communication.
WhatsApp consumer statistics
WhatsApp as a potential digital marketing opportunity and social media platform should be evaluated on its consumer base and its use. Here is a little bit about what we know in terms of WhatsApp user behaviour.
 WhatsApp has more than 1.6 billion monthly active users which is comparable to social platforms like Facebook and Instagram. More than 180 countries are represented in WhatsApp’s user base, and in 133 of these, it is the primary one-to-one messaging application.
 Every day, over 100 million videos and 700 million photos are shared on the app.
 WhatsApp’s messaging system handles more than 10 billion messages every day, which many have compared to WhatsApp being to SMS messaging what Skype is to video conferencing and international calling.
 WhatsApp users spend more than 340 million minutes on video calls every day on the app.
 The country with the most consumers on WhatsApp is India, with more than 10 percent of the app’s worldwide users.
 WhatsApp is also incredibly popular in Israel, with it installed on approximately 92% of smartphones and with up to 86% of these reporting daily use.
Why marketing on WhatsApp makes sense
Chat apps have been in use for over 20 years and in the lives of modern consumers, they are unforgettably important. WhatsApp is an ad-free app currently although the software’s making changes to bring in new features, potential chatbot integration, and with further marketing opportunities.
While most brands ignore WhatsApp as a potential digital marketing channel, there’s no denying the user base is big and so is the potential. Unfortunately, how to use this channel isn’t yet clear. WhatsApp strategies in marketing can come across as spam or interference with what the application’s for. Here’s a little more insight into how you may be able to launch a branded campaign.
The Toyota WhatsApp case study
How does one run ads on an ad-free platform – well, you don’t. That said, savvy and creative digital marketers have already been turning WhatsApp on its head, using it to find and support customers.
Using WhatsApp in a digital marketing campaign in 2012, Toyota launched a contest. To participate, users had to include the word ‘Hybridized’ in their WhatsApp status. Then, registered users were added to a weekly ballot to receive an iPhone. The result of this was Toyota mentions across thousands of users’ statuses.
What about launching a messaging marketing campaign through WhatsApp?
Apply an email marketing campaign into WhatsApp. This is another way to exploit this growing platform. Instead of acquiring subscribers via email, ask for their mobile number to send them messages via WhatsApp.
Compared to traditional email marketing, a similar messaging strategy on WhatsApp results in decreases of up to 90% in lapsed subscribers and an increase of 40% in message open rate. A strategy like this may not be right for every business but for the ones it is perfect for, you can’t argue with results.
Using WhatsApp features to engage your consumer base
WhatsApp features can be used to increase brand awareness, get clicks, and share marketing messages. The status feature allows a user to upload statuses which disappear after 24 hours. Brands have used statuses like this to announce a sale or offer to customers. Other companies with brick-and-mortar representation have encouraged users to take a screenshot of a status update or related QR code and to receive a discount on purchases.
Another great opportunity WhatsApp has is the chance to share locations. For enquiring customers seeking to connect in person with you, a brand can ping them their physical location. The user can then open it in Google Maps and go from there. WhatsApp recently launched WhatsApp business which is a sort of customer service-oriented messaging app for companies seeking a way to connect via SMS to their clientele. You may be able to program a chatbot within this context.
Preparing today for WhatsApp marketing in the future
WhatsApp marketing is going to be a thing, with adverts in message set to launch in 2020 and Facebook looking to further monetize the app in the future. In time, WhatsApp could resemble Instagram in some ways. If this does happen, one can only imagine the limitless potential of already having some momentum on the platform.
Furthermore, WhatsApp is very much a worldwide app. If you’re seeking customers locally, you may not have so much luck with. If you’re an eCommerce brand in digital marketing shipping internationally, WhatsApp could work wonders. All this aside, the platform is really just starting to open itself up to businesses, advertising, and digital marketing. It remains to be seen how the integration of ads and digital marketing will affect the user base and consumer behaviour. Regardless, WhatsApp remains an important platform that we have our eye on and we think brands marketing nationally or internationally should keep tabs on as well.
Are you looking for creative digital marketing solutions for social media, eCommerce, and to achieve growth for your business? Speak with an expert at Unlimited Exposure. We’ll set up a campaign to boost leads and conversions, and get you the sales you’ve always wanted. The results are real! Jump on board today and tomorrow you can see those numbers begin to climb.

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