Sunday, 8 September 2019

5 Digital Marketing Myths You May Be Surprised to Know Aren’t True Yet They’re Still Followed

Stay in the marketing industry long enough, and you see trends come and go. Some prove effective while others tend to hang around a little longer than they really should. Digital marketing’s always evolving and as marketers ourselves, we’re always looking at where the next opportunity is to build something from. These are 5 unfortunate digital marketing myths we’ve found people continue to hang onto to this day even though they have little value.

Fake reviews
If you’re posting fake reviews to help boost your brand’s value, it’s sketchy and eventually it’s almost a guarantee you’re going to be caught. When these reviews are removed, your brand’s rating will sink and you’ll be flagged. This isn’t growth hacking digital marketing. It’s being manipulative, misleading, and just plain dumb. Over 90% of consumers rely on reviews when buying a product or service. If you want high rated reviews, get them the hard way.
Organic Facebook marketing
As we’ve known for years, organic Facebook marketing’s been on the decline. Facebook, for all intents and purposes, is now a pay-to-play marketing hub. These days, when you post on the platform, only 2-6% of your audience will actually see it. Fortunately, you still have social media marketing on Instagram as well as other high-value platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.
Pop-up ads
Pop-up ads still prove to be popular even though many consumers have ad blockers and progressively hate having their browsing experience disrupted by them. If you’re relying on pop-up ads for leads, you’re probably throwing money down a hole you won’t get anything from. Unless your pop-up involves some sort of eCommerce marketing-related offer, discount, or promotion, it’s best to avoid them.
Content marketing quantity over quality
Are you in a race to create and release as much blogs, articles, and content as you can? Stop. Quality is so much more important than quantity, as you’ll find with SEO algorithms and social media. High quality, high-value content marketing is what drives leads and builds brand awareness – not low quality mountains of dribble. To get the most from a blog or content marketing, put in the time to research and write, and really make your post stand out.
Written word only SEO
SEO’s so much more advanced today than it was even a decade ago. Consumers want multimedia. Images, videos, and more all contribute to content value. People can search now using their voice or via image. If all you’re posting is made from words, it can be a little boring. Add some graphics, photos, or videos when/if appropriate. Ensure they’re all optimized for SEO with alt-text, file-name optimized, and meta-data included. By throwing different media at users, you’re keeping their attention to the page.
Since the dot-com era, digital marketing’s evolved to a whole new set of rules and channels. Growing with the consumer base is a part of staying on top of how to get results. Let go of outdated, malfunctioning digital marketing myths and together, let’s embrace what works. Unlimited Exposure are the experts in social media, content marketing, video, email, SEO, and more. Elevate your brand with what works today – not what worked a year ago or a decade passed. Results are guaranteed! Contact a representative for more information.

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