Friday, 16 August 2019

Customize Your Email Marketing Message Using This Basic Email Skeleton

Email is an often overlooked marketing medium to communicate with customers and generate strong ROI. Despite the perception that email’s not as much a priority as social media or other marketing channels, email’s directly responsible for billions of dollars’ worth of sales every year. Crafting a successful campaign relies on boosting key metrics – open rate, click-through rate, conversion rates, and more.

Push email subscriber sign-up
For email to work, you need subscribers. Provide a sign-up box on your website and encourage sign-ups whenever appropriate. After a customer’s signed up, send them a confirmation and provide some insight on how often they can expect marketing messages from you. By setting expectation, you ensure you maximize the chance of an open, click-through, and sale.
Choose a striking, simple image
Image attracts the eye. After your email has given their click, quality images can help to enrich the email. That said, be careful about how many you use. It oftentimes only takes one or two, unless you’re sending a larger eCommerce email with multiple products featured.
An unexpected subject line
Every email marketing message deserves a quality, not-boring subject line. This is what will determine open rate, more than anything. Be a bit ‘out there’ with it. Make your email feel less about promotions and product, and more about the customer.
Be purposeful and add value
You don’t want to send an email that doesn’t have a clearly defined purpose. The reader wants value. This can be done in a number of ways, such as emphasizing a new product or offering discounts. Or, alternatively, advertise a blog on your site that you know has received a decent amount of clicks or a piece of content that’s instructional or educational.
Identity what action you want them to take
If it’s not obvious what’s expected from them, a reader’s unlikely to click on anything. With your Call-to-Action, be direct. Your CTA should also be easily seen in the email marketing design. A cluttered visual design is only going to make this worse so choose what you put in wisely.
Look at your analytics
Study your analytics and see what people are engaging with most. The open rate is arguably most important but there’s a lot of data you can cull together from a campaign. You may discover certain days of the week or certain times of day are best to send an email. You want to find the sweet spot on what to send, when to send, and how to structure your visual design. For inexperienced brands, it can take sometimes months to figure this out.
This is your basic email skeleton. Now it’s what you do with it!
These are just the necessities to what we would call a successful email marketing campaign. Be creative with what you do with your email messages. Email can drive sales in a big way but you still face the challenge of cutting through the noise.
Ask yourself, if your email was sitting in an inbox with 50 messages unopened, would yours be the first one your subscriber clicks? If you’re unsure, you may need to re-think and come up with something better. A well-structured email marketing campaign delivers value and ROI. Need help? Speak with a representative at Unlimited Exposure today for more information.

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