Thursday, 18 July 2019

Those Who Pay More for SEO Receive Higher Satisfaction, According to Study

Are you looking to get the most from your SEO digital marketing campaign? A lot of people hear about search engine optimization and they think it’s not something they have to pay for. Unfortunately, they find out the hard way how wrong this attitude is. A weak SEO effort provides you a weak result – the same thing can be said about various other aspects of digital marketing. If you want results, it’s going to cost either in time, money, or effort.


A recent study analyzing clients of SEO services found that those that spent more were more satisfied with the results than clients who spent less. The average American small business spends approximately $497/monthly on SEO. Consider this to what your budget is for SEO and subsequently, the results you may or may not have experienced. Let’s be clear, if you’re completely satisfied with your SEO numbers right now, don’t change a thing. Just keep going. If you’re not happy with what you’re seeing though, it’s likely a case of not doing enough.
A study like this may communicate a message of, ‘if you spend more, there are bigger results achieved.’ This isn’t automatic though. Even on a small budget, you can do a lot if you’re willing to work. You need to know how, which means you need to hire a Toronto digital marketing agency that knows what they’re doing with your money.
The #1 expectation small businesses have when they hire an SEO service provider is that their efforts will attract new customers. Normally, it certainly would. After all, successful SEO gives a website high-ranking pages. When someone searches for a term related to your business, your website pops up on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines. This is essentially free advertising for your products or services. More exposure, in turn, should equate to more leads.
In a sense, an SEO agency will pay for itself over time as you attract customers to your website. What’s even better is that this ‘free advertising’ doesn’t ever have to expire. If you continue to maintain your high-ranking positions on search engines everywhere, you can keep funnelling customers to your website. That said, SEO isn’t easy. Achieving these results isn’t easy nor is remaining in the position. In fact, more than 70 percent of businesses who have hired an SEO agency this year are unsatisfied with the results and have a campaign that isn’t meeting expectation. If you don’t want to be included among this 70 percent, be careful with who you choose to partner with.
Complicating SEO marketing strategies is that the algorithms are constantly changing with updates done annually. What works now may not work five years from now. It becomes an art interpreting your analytics and keeping your ear to the ground, predicting what you need to do to keep generating new customers. Ultimately, if you’re willing to pay an agency to have the resources you need to actually achieve your success, the sky’s the limit.
Hire Toronto’s Unlimited Exposure for SEO services in Canada. Specializing in SEO, social media, digital marketing, email, video, and more, you’ll have the experts on-hand to help guide your website to the highest possible search engine rank. If you want success, it’s there for the taking. Receive higher satisfaction with an agency you can trust. Speak with a representative today.

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